A Mama’s Musings
My blog is like a cup of tea with your bestie, where I spill the beans (and maybe a little baby food) on our daily adventures. You'll find heartfelt reflections on the joys and challenges of motherhood, mixed with the occasional tongue-in-cheek tale that'll have you nodding in solidarity.
Embracing Sleep Leaps: A Holistic Approach to Toddler Sleep
Parenting is a journey of constant adaptation. Just when you think you’ve got a hang of things, a curveball can come your way. And this is especially true when it comes to sleep. Just when you think you’ve got a handle on your child’s sleep routine, something shifts. I recently faced one of these curveballs with my 23-month-old. She had been an excellent napper for months, but all of a sudden one afternoon she became when I lay her down in her cot. My attempts to comfort and soothe her had only a short-term effect and she screamed and cried every time I tried to leave the room. After multiple attempts, naptime that day was cancelled and I took her downstairs with me so that I could tend to her 3-month-old baby sister. And of course this had the knock-on effect of a very tired little girl by the time bedtime rolled around…