Owning Your Sleep Journey: From Setbacks to Confidence

Owning your child’s sleep journey is about so much more than achieving the perfect bedtime routine—it’s about embracing challenges, celebrating progress, and finding confidence in your ability to support your child. In this final video of the Holistic Sleep Series, we’ll explore how to navigate setbacks like teething or illness with flexibility and compassion, why small wins matter, and how connection can be the key to calmer, more restful nights.

As an added bonus, I’ve included Restored Rest: A Holistic Guide to Improving Maternal Sleep—a resource that has received wonderful feedback from moms just like you. It’s packed with practical strategies to help you reclaim your own rest, even during the most demanding seasons of parenting. If you haven’t accessed it yet, now’s your chance! And don’t forget, there’s more bonus content coming this weekend to keep supporting you on this journey.


Sensory Wind-Down Kits for Calmer Bedtimes


The Emotional Roots of Sleep Struggles: What Behaviour is Really Telling Us