The Birth of The Mothering Psychologist
Hey there!
Picture this: a chilly morning on March 20th, 2021, at 6:50 am, I dragged myself out of bed to go to the bathroom. Why is this moment so important? Well, it marks the beginning of a rollercoaster ride called parenthood. You see, when my husband and I got married the previous December, we were determined to start a family ASAP. It was part of our grand plan - oh do I love a good plan!
I dove headfirst into the world of baby-making, researching everything from ovulation and TTC (trying to conceive) to BBT (basal body temperature) and the dreaded TWW (two-week wait). Yeah, you could say I went all-in! But let me tell you, no amount of research can prepare you for the reality of it all. Fast forward a few months, and there it was, that tiny, faint second line on the pregnancy test. To say I was over the moon would be putting it lightly! I immediately rushed to wake up my husband and share the incredible news. We were going to be parents! Naturally, my next move was to immerse myself in pregnancy apps, websites, and books. I mean, who wouldn't want to be the most informed mama-to-be, right? But as the saying goes, "You don't know what you don't know." I had a lot to learn!
When our precious little bundle finally arrived, I thought I had it all figured out. But let me tell you, newborns are a whole different ball game. Sure, she was the sweetest little thing when she slept in my arms, but the minute I tried to transfer her to her crib, she'd wake up screaming like I was abandoning her. Cue the mom guilt! As a clinical psychologist, I was used to dealing with all sorts of challenges. But parenting was a whole new beast. The books and apps didn't prepare me for the emotional rollercoaster of motherhood. Sleep deprivation and self-doubt became my new best friends.
However, as I stumbled my way through this journey, I realized that there's more to being a parent than just following a manual. Every child is unique, and sometimes, all the knowledge in the world can't fully prepare you for the realities of parenting.
Textbook babies are like unicorns wearing sunglasses: they sound cool, but they simply don't exist!
You know what got me through those tough moments? It wasn't another self-help book or blog post—it was the power of connecting with other mamas. Sharing my struggles on my Instagram brought me closer to fellow parents who said, "Me too!" That sense of solidarity and knowing that we're all in this beautiful mess together made all the difference. As I found my footing, I discovered the value of self-compassion. Instead of beating myself up for not being a perfect mama, I learned to cut myself some slack. And you know what? It made me a better mama. Imperfect, messy, but oh-so-loving! And I was all in!
That's when I knew I wanted to do more. I wanted to create a space where real-life parenting was celebrated—the good, the bad, and the hilariously messy!
So, The Mothering Psychologist was born, and it's not your average parenting blog. Nope, it's a place where we can be real, vulnerable, and laugh at the chaos that comes with raising tiny humans. Join me on this crazy ride as I share my experiences, professional insights, and the hilarious fails of real-life parenting. Together, we'll navigate the unpredictable path of parenthood, knowing that we're never alone in this wild adventure. Oh, and don't expect some fancy, formal writing here. In this space I join you just a regular mama, sharing her journey, hoping it might make a difference to someone out there. So grab a cup of coffee (or tea, or wine—no judgment here!), and let's do this parenting thing together, one step at a time.
Remember, there's no perfect parent, but there's a whole lot of love and laughter along the way. Let's embrace the chaos, celebrate the small victories, and learn from the inevitable "oops" moments.
Welcome to The Mothering Psychologist—a place where parenting is real, and it's perfectly imperfect!
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